Society of St. Damien De Veuster
"The Apostle of the Lepers"
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Born and raised in Hawaii, our kahu, M. J. Kimo Keawe is
the younger of two children and is of Hawaiian ancestry. In
the lineage of royalty, he is a descendant of Ali'i Keawe of the
island of Hawaii (Moku 'o Keawe - "Land of Keawe"), Kiha,
and 'Umi, Liloa, and Keawenuiaumi of Waipio Valley.
Raised and educated in the Roman Catholic tradition, he entered St. Stephen's Seminary in Kaneohe, Hawaii, at the early age of 13 in 1968.
In 1970, the seminary closed. This was the first of three setbacks in the priesthood vocation. His journey with the Lord continued…
He completed his secondary education at Damien Memorial High School, graduating on May 28, 1972.
He pursued his call to the priesthood and attended Lewis University in Lockport, Illinois, under the tutelage of the De LaSalle Christian Brothers Postulancy and Chaminade University, in the Novitiate Formation. Unhappy with the lack of support for his vocation to the priesthood from the Roman Church and the statement from Bishop Blanchette of Joliet: “ . . . as a minority (Hawaiian ancestry), you will never succeed as a priest . . .” he left Lockport, Illinois, and ventured back to Hawaii.
This was the second setback in his vocational calling to the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church.
During his journey across the continental United States, he discovered the ministry of the Rev. Charles Finn (former presiding bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church International) and (late) Irving Tarbox (then, in his 90s and retired). Fascinated with the work of the orphanage in Chula Vista, California, and Baja, Mexico, he made his decision to serve as a minister for the Church of Gospel Ministry.
Shortly thereafter, on April 29, 1977, he was ordained a priest with the Church. That was the beginning of his work for the Lord. For 11 years, he had ministered in Hawaii under the Christian Life Ministry of Hawaii—Church of Gospel Ministry Church Charter.
On August 14, 1986, the Ministry of Salvation Church bestowed an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree (D.D.) upon him for his continuing work in the Ministry of the Lord.
In the years to follow, he completed his studies with the Saint Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies and was awarded the Master of Arts in the Academic Discipline of Theology (M.Th) and presented with the Medal of Saint Luke the Physician in the Epsilon Kappa Lambda.
This Medal of Award is based on his successful completion of the prescribed course of study and graduation from the Saint Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies.
While ministering in Hawaii, he continued to worship with his family at St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church in Kailua, Hawaii.
On July 8, 1989, he joined in Holy Matrimony with Janna K.M. Akana, and 2 years later, on September 16, 1991, they were blessed with their daughter, Tiffany-Michelle Winona Uli'i Keawe (married in 2014 to Zachary Cruz).
On July 7, 1995, a day before his sixth wedding anniversary, a royal courier notified him that he was the recipient of the Hutt River Province Principality Royal Patronage Citation.
He was conferred the lifetime title of “Honorable” by His Royal Highness, the late Prince Kevin, Prince Regent of The Principality of Hutt River Province, an independent sovereign state of Australia.
Until this day, he holds that honor close to his heart, as it keeps him remindful of his Hawaiian heritage and prays for the Nation of Hawaii, that was once lost to the provisional government of the United States, in its overthrow of the Kingdom on January 17, 1893.
During the latter part of 1995, he co-authored the first “Exchange City” Resolution, between the City Council and the Mayor's Office of the City and County of Honolulu and the township of Laughlin, Nevada. In the months to come, our Kahu served as the “Ambassador of Aloha” on behalf of the Mayor of Honolulu and the 900,000 residences.
He presented the Key of the City and County of Honolulu to Laughlin, Nevada. In return, the township of Laughlin presented him with the Key to their Township. He presented the Laughlin Key to the City and County of Honolulu in a presentation at Honolulu Hale - City Hall.
In the early months of 2001, Fr. Dennis and Deacon Clarence (St. Anthony's Church) asked him to consider the permanent Diaconate formation. After serious consideration, he accepted. He went through months of paperwork, referrals, etc. In the months following, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese, (then) Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, informed him that the diocese had deferred the program for an unknown length of time because of finances.
This was the last setback in his vocation with the Roman Catholic Church.
However, he continued to minister to the small following of 24 years. Back in the late 80s, after 50 years as a church, the original church, Church of Gospel Ministry, disbanded and reorganized as the First Church of Gospel Ministry. Some of its original ministers then disbanded their own ministry. He chooses not to but to continue.
In addition, he earned the Degree of Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) from the Sanctus Theological Institute, accredited by the American Theological Society.
In the meantime, over time, he had developed an open line of communication with the Most Reverend David Holmes-Smith, of the Order of Culdee, of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church and the Primate Archbishop of the United Catholic Church, (The late) Most Reverend Dr. Robert M. Bowman (Deceased 2013).
After consideration of his ministry of 24 years and all submitted educational, ordination, and award documentation, Archbishop Bowman accepted and regularized our Kahu into the United Catholic Church - an independent Catholic Church jurisdiction descended from the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht. At the same time, he was accepted as a candidate for Deacon in the Order of Culdee, of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church.
With prayer and encouragement of his family, Kahu accepted the United Catholic Church and maintained his friendship and fellowship with Bishop David Holmes-Smith.
Soon after, our Kahu was incardinated into the United Catholic Church. Following his official acceptance, he was ordained a deacon and then a priest.
Later, he was elevated to Monsignor and appointed Vicar of the newly formed Hawaii Diocese of the United Catholic Church, overseeing all of Hawaii, California, Colorado, Samoa, Tahiti, and the entire Polynesian Rim.
He also served as the pastor of the United Reform Catholic Church of Honolulu.
In the latter part of 2001, he was appointed by Archbishop Bowman as the administrator and Bishop-Elect of the Hawaii Diocese of the United Catholic Church. Archbishop Bowman served as Bishop of the newly formed Hawaii Diocese.
He continued his ministry with the Hawaiian people and worshiped in communion with many members of the Christian community.
Our Kahu worked in the secular world as executive president of Television Studio Hawaii producing cultural events and marketing media concepts. He was program director and on-air personality for KCCN Hawaiian Radio and later, executive producer for 'Olelo Community Television, producing "Stars of Tomorrow", which ran five (5) Seasons.
Since 1988, he was the “Voice” and television host of the Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Competition, broadcast statewide. After 25-years in Television and Radio (KCCN Hawaiian Radio), our Kahu retired in 2013.
He served as a preliminary judge for the Mrs. America Pageant, shown
on National Television on the PAX Network and the Miss O'ahu Filipina Scholarship Pageant.
He was credited with the union of an alliance of Japan's Matsuri Pan Pacific Festival and the Kamehameha Celebration Commission, bringing the two festivals together in a joint celebration in Hawaii.
This union was solidified with the signing of official documents by both parties at Washington Place, the official residence of the Governor of the State of Hawaii.
In 2000, he directed and coordinated the largest convention and parade in Honolulu, for the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau—the International Lions Convention 2000, with more than 25,000 participants—the largest gathering for a parade in the history of Hawaii and the first Convention to draw so many participants.
He served on the executive board of Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii. He is past- president and former board member of the Aloha Festivals and continues to support many community and educational activities, both statewide and nationwide.
Additionally, he is licensed and commissioned in the State of Hawai`i to perform marriages in the State, among his other faculties and sacramental duties afforded him as an ordained priest.
Up until May 2003, he also served on the liturgical team and finance committee of St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church. He also prepared himself for the day that he would be asked to step down, because of his ordination within another Catholic jurisdiction, outside of the Roman Church.
He prays that this will not happen and that we can carry on in mutual prayer, worship, and work together in communion, for “we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord, ministering to the people; ministering His Word”.
Our Kahu is still ( e.2018 -) in the process of reinstating the ministry: Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church (HRCC)—a ministry for the Kanaka Ma'oli {the Hawaiian People and its Kingdom}—a church that was established for them in 1862 by Kamehameha IV. “E Ola Mau I Ka 'Aina 'O Hawai'i”— Forever Live the Hawaiian Lands, and was ministered by the Church of England.
He has Custodial Ownership of the name Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church – the Catholic Church for the People of Hawai`i.
The United Reform Catholic Church International (URCCI) established communion with the Anglican Episcopal Church (AEC) and the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church in reinstating the Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church (HRCC) for the people of Hawai'i.
The foundation of this ministry is to resurrect the HRCC to its entire status and recognition, as recognized by its founder, King Kamehameha IV (Alexander Liholiho), and continued through our last monarchy of Hawaii, Queen Lydia Lili'uokalani.
Continuing to broaden his education and knowledge of his ministry and following years of studying with the Sanctus Theological Institute, he graduated in September 2001 with a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral Studies (D.Min.)
Our Kahu was consecrated the 1st Bishop of the Hawai'i Diocese of the United Catholic Church and the mission territories of Samoa, Tahiti, and the Polynesian Pacific Rim, in 2001. The consecration was held at Christ the Servant Apostolic Catholic Church, Tampa, FL.
The principal consecrator was the Archbishop and Presiding Bishop of the United Catholic Church, the Most Rev. Dr. Robert M. Bowman.
The Co-consecrators were: The Most Rev. Chuck Leigh, Pastor, Christ the Servant Apostolic Catholic Church. He is the Bishop of the Apostolic Catholic Church, Diocese of Florida and Dean of the College of Judicatory Leaders of the Florida Council of Churches.
The Most Rev. John Reeves, Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle, Bishop of the Catholic Church of the Americas, the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida.
Also concelebrating at this momentous occasion and High Mass were Deacons, David Flaherty, Joe Bowman, and Art Funk. In addition, Msgr. Bill Mentor and (the late) Bishop-elect David Gillman (who was also consecrated Bishop the same day).
Although his orders of ordination as a priest and the Apostolic Succession consecration as bishop are considered illicit (not permitted) by the Roman Catholic Church, they are valid, verified, and recognized by the Holy See – Curia in the Vatican.
In addition, he has concelebrated with Bishop Sharon Hart, Matriarch of the Contemporary Catholic Church.
Our bishop has also concelebrated in the Mass of Ordination with Bishop William Wettingfeld, presiding bishop of the National Catholic Church of N.A.; the consecration of Bishop Mark Newman, OC, to the episcopacy of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch with their matriarch, Meri Louise Spruit and Archbishop Richard A. Gundrey.
Our bishop attended the United Catholic Church Synod 2002, which has hosted by the Hawai'i Diocese. In addition, he attended the Ecumenical Conference of Independent Catholic Bishops (ECICB), both held at the Spirit in the Desert Lutheran Center.
At the ECICB, our bishop was elected President/Chair of the Executive Council of the ECICB. Matriarch Sharon A. Hart, presiding bishop, and primate of the Contemporary Catholic Church, as Vice President/Vice-Chair and Secretary and (Retired) Archbishop Richard A. Gundrey, Coadjutor of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch, as its Treasurer.
Other members of the Executive Council of the ECICB were: (The late) Bishop Wm. Memo Grassman, presiding bishop of the Orthodox Catholic Church; (The late) Bishop William A. Wettingfeld, presiding bishop of the National Catholic Church of North America and Bishop Mark E. Newman, of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch - Arizona Diocese.
With this expansion, the Church was renamed: United Reform Catholic Church International (URCCI), to encompass the growing number of churches, nationally and soon, internationally -
With this change and growth, the URCCI has become autocephalous of the United Catholic Church, and will not be governed by their Code of Canons, or under the authority of their respected archbishop primate, Dr. Robert M. Bowman.
This was effective: August 1, 2002.
In May of 2003, the Roman Catholic Church of Honolulu has requested that our Kahu step down from all liturgical positions of the Roman Catholic Church, because of his ordination as a priest and consecration of a bishop in an independent Catholic Church jurisdiction.
We, the community of the URCCI, now the ECCC Western Region, support and move in the direction that the Holy Spirit moves our Kahu to guide us - as he has for the past 42-years (April 29, 1977)!
UPDATE: On 17 October 2011, the URCCI et al, incardinated with the Worldwide Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ.
On 31 January 2015, Archbishop M. J. Kimo Keawe has been elevated to Apostolic Nuntius.
In September 2018, he was appointed the Chancellor of the St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical School of Studies in Manassas, VA. This is an honor for him as he continues to bring full awareness of the growth of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ, Worldwide!
He served as Chancellor until November 2020.
On November 18, 2020, the Archbishop stepped down as Chancellor and with the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ to assume the episcopal position as episcopal protector of the new Order: Society of St. Damien De Veuster (est. 2020) and became the founder and presiding bishop of All~Saints Independent Catholic Commission (est. 2021).
His love and admiration for Saint Damien De Veuster went as far back as 1968 at the time of his confirmation when he took the name "Damien" as his confirmation name, 41-years prior to the sainthood of Saint Damien.
His Eminence Archbishop Keawe received and was awarded
Bachelor of Theology in Religious Studies – Canterbury University (UK) / 10 August 1994
Masters of Theology in Theology – Canterbury University (UK) / 17 January 1997
Master of Arts in the Academic Discipline of Theology – St. Luke Evangelical School of Bible Studies / 16 April 2001
Degree of Licentiate in Sacred Theology – Sanctus Theological Institute / 22 July 2001
Degree of Doctor of Ministry – Sanctus Theological Institute / 1 September 2001
Vice-Chancellor to the Pacific Region – Sanctus Theological Institute / 2 March 2002
Master of Sacred Theology in Religion (Cum Laude) – St. Regis Theological University / 8 July 2002
Chancellor of St. Anthony's Cathedral Liturgical House of Studies: 2018-2020
Episcopal Protector, Society of St. Damien De Veuster: 18 November 2020-present
Archbishop & Founder, All-Saints Independent Catholic Commission (est. 2021)
Ordained on 29 April 1977 / Consecrated 18 November 2001, His Eminence (H.E.) M. J. Kimo Keawe celebrates 46-years (2023) in the ministry serving the Lord and 22-years in the episcopacy (2023).
“Although I am a bishop, I am first, a deacon. I am and will always be a humble Servant who is called to serve, and not to be served. All glory and praise, to our Father, for His blessing and spiritual food, that nourishes me as a Shepherd of His Word and a Shepherd to His people”
++M. J. Kimo Keawe

In the Beginning. . .