Society of St. Damien De Veuster
"The Apostle of the Lepers"
An approved Tax-Exempt IRC Section 501c3, Section 170 Non-Profit Entity by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America
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"I find consolation in the one and only friend who will never leave me, that is, our Divine Saviour in the Holy Eucharist... Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the most tender of friends with souls who seek to please Him.
His goodness knows how to proportion itself to the smallest of His creatures and
to the greatest of them. Be not afraid then in your solitary conversations, to tell Him
of your miseries, your fears, your worries, of those who are dear to you, of your projects, and of your hopes.
Do so with confidence and with an open heart."
- St. Damien de Veuster of Moloka`i, Hawai`i (1840 – 1889}
"We are less of an Institution ~ More of a Family
A Christian People by the Grace of God
An Emergent Church from Catholic Tradition
A Contemporary Expression of Mindful Faith
Lead with Love ~ Celebrate the Spirit ~ Engage the Mind ~ Cherish the Soul"